
Wiimotes Apis

There seems to be many APIs out there but I decided to stick with a Java one.

A lightweight library, depends on the JSR 82 API (bluetooth) and commons logging.
Seems I can’t use the Wii Use J?, I’ll try this one
Also here is a bluetooth implementation - http://code.google.com/p/bluecove/
This seems to be mentioned a good bit around the Net.
Based on a C implementation called Wiiuse
Can’t be used on a Mac though :(
Supports nunchuk (I have 2 of these), and the Guitar Hero 3 controller (1 of these).
Can we do something with the nunchucks or Guitar Hero?
Found a dart board application here. The code that was used seems straight forward enough.

It picked up my Wii and drew a pretty graph of my movements - http://blog.hiroaki.jp/2006/12/000433.html